4th Annual One Lens Film Festival February 20, 2016

Educate + Activate + Change

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Film Submissions

We encourage Short Filmmakers who find their purpose in giving a unique voice to social issues to submit their work to our festival

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Admission to the 4th Annual One Lens Film Festival is FREE, but you must register!

Take Action

How will you use your screen time? Here are some simple ways to take action and change the world!

Disrupting the entertainment industry by changing the way people use their screen time...
Our goal is to activate change around the world

Each of us has a lens through which we see life. That lens forms our beliefs, guides our choices and shapes the experiences that take us on our own individual journeys. One Lens Film Festival hopes to provide a platform for filmmakers to share their stories of social issues that impact the world we live in. We see the opportunity to disrupt the film industry and use film to bring awareness to subjects such as human trafficking, poverty, racism, and corruption around the world. So whether it’s uplifting spirits highlighting those supporting good or giving a voice to social injustice, we encourage those giving film a purpose to submit their short film to our festival. It is our goal for filmmakers and audiences alike to walk away from our festival inspired to activate change around the world and see life through a new lens… One Lens

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